CHS Summer School Starts June 27!

Credit Recovery Summer School
The CHS Summer School may be just what you need if your student did not pass a class during the first or second semesters of the current school year. If your student hasn’t already made plans for Summer School, you may be interested in helping them do so now. Most required core courses will be available except for Algebra I and Geometry which are separate summer school programs.

CHS Summer School starts June 27th at 9:00 am sharp. The following days’ classes will start at 8:00 am, end at Noon and be held June 28, 29, 30, and July 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14.
More details are located here.

Algebra 1 or Geometry Summer School
Is your student interested in recovering Algebra I or Geometry credit? Is he/she interested in getting a better grade in Algebra I or Geometry? Or….has he/she not yet taken Algebra I or Geometry but really strong in math and feel confident that they could pass an accelerated-pace course?

In this summer class, your student will have the opportunity to learn all of the most important material from Algebra 1 or Geometry and increase his/her chance of succeeding in future math courses and passing the state End of Course Exam or Smarter Balanced Math Exam. More details located here.

The Summer School Application can downloaded here.