Unit 17 – Bowling Bot

Unit 17 – Bowling Bot

Game Description:

A round of robot bowling consists of 10 frames. In each frame, the robot bowler will have the chance to knock down as many pins as possible with one throw or two if there are pins remaining after the first. Players rotate turns between each frame. After the robot has started it must autonomously “move forward 6″ and stop” behind the foul line and deliver the ball in a rotational under hand/arm like motion towards the pins. If a robot bowler is able to knock down all 10 pins with the first ball, a strike is awarded. Strikes are scored 10 pts. plus the points from the next “two” balls thrown in the upcoming frames. If there are pins remaining the bowler must repeat the process trying to knock down the remaining pins. If the robot bowler is able to knock down all 10 pins with the two balls in that frame, it is known as a “spare”. Spares are awarded 10 pts. plus the points from the next “one” ball thrown. In the tenth frame if a bowler get a strike or spare they are awarded a 2nd or 3rd ball to be thrown.

Strike – X   |   Spare – /   |   No Score – 0