The University of Portland Has An Upcoming Event!

The University of Portland Financial Aid Department  is offering their annual High School Financial Aid Event on Saturday, September 28, 2019 at 10:00 AM on the University of Portland Campus in the Buckley Center Auditorium. Students and families must RSVP online at the following link: University of Portland Financial Aid Seminar

UP will present on the overall financial aid process, including the 2020-21 FAFSA and the federal and state financial aid options that come from filing a FAFSA. They will discuss Oregon and Washington state specific scholarship applications, provide some tips and tricks to applying for private scholarships, and answer any and all questions along the way.

Interested in attending Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Rice University or The University of Chicago? See Below!

Admissions counselors from Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Rice University and The University of Chicago will be coming to Portland! They are hosting a meeting on Monday, September 16th at 7pm to discuss academic, the admissions process and selective schools, financial aid and Campus life.

If you’re interested in attending and would like more details about this event click the link below:

Exploring Educational Excellence

Volunteer Opportunity For Students 12-19 Years Old!

The Clark County STASHA Peer Education program is recruiting youth volunteers for the 2019-20 school year. Youth ages 12-19 serve a one-year term (September to June) with the opportunity to stay on the program until they age out.

STASHA stands for Strong Teens Against Substance Hazards & Abuse. We are a nonjudgmental group of young people representing youth voice and ideas in the prevention community. We advocate for healthy lifestyles and educate our peers about drugs and alcohol. Our diverse group is made up of youth who have never used drugs, who have experimented in the past but are no longer using or youth who have completed treatment and are in recovery.

If you are interested in volunteering with this program fill out the following Application:2019-2020 STASHA Application

If you would like more information about STASHA click on the following link:STASHA