Here at Camas High School, there are posters all over the halls in the hope of bringing people together in sports or clubs and just making a good school community; the name of the poster project is #EVERYONEHASASTORY. These posters have little paragraphs about somebody’s story, some of which can be very personal and inspiring.

This program was started by a group of teachers, and the idea was “to get stories told about kids and break the idea that not all kids are the stereotypical Camas kids” said Mrs. Peters, English and history teacher at CHS. Kids at CHS get the title of being spoiled and stuck up. People think that everyone at Camas is from money and has nothing to worry about in life. However, the reality is that everyone has a story. Not everybody likes to share their story, but these posters are giving students the chance to anonymously tell people about their struggles or what is going on in their lives. Read more The Camasonian