Self-Employed Students

Money: the most necessary item for most high school students. It is used for buying food with friends, gas money and even the occasional pair of shoes. There are many methods for accumulating enough money to actually have the sum to purchase everything that a high-schooler may desire. Many high school kids are slowly pushing through their boring, unrewarding retail jobs at chain restaurants and grocery stores, just to receive a lovely minimum-wage salary. On the other side of things, some kids are able to pursue their personal interests while making as much or even more than others who work a conventional job. Kids like this usually tend to maintain a level of secrecy about their work, often keeping it quiet.

These self-made, self-employed students are driven and put a lot of effort into their work. At Camas, this includes people who sell items on Amazon while additionally reselling clothes, and even those who have a career on YouTube. Read more here.
The Camasonian Article | By: Drew Fishburn